"New York City laws to expand scheduling rights for retail, fast food workers, headaches for employers," Cook County Record

Date   Aug 8, 2017

Eric Su was quoted in the Cook County Record article, "New York City laws to expand scheduling rights for retail, fast food workers, headaches for employers," on laws recently signed by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio aiming to improve retail and fast food working conditions.  

On similar laws being proposed in additional metropolitan areas Eric said, "I would think that’s a high possibility because this [the New York legislation] came on the heels of a similar ordinance that was enacted in Seattle," he said. "...this is another series of worker protection laws that are being enacted in major metropolitan areas throughout the country. I won’t be surprised if there are similar legislation in the works in San Francisco, or in (Los Angeles) county or in D.C., etc."

To read the entire article, click here.